Thursday 16 February 2023

Reasons To Hire A Professional Motion Design Company

Let's start at the beginning, what is animation?

Without being too exact in definition, an animation is any number of images of inanimate objects placed in time in such a way as to give the sensation of movement.

Broadly speaking this includes stop-motion, professional motion design (cartoons so to speak), 3D creations, and special effects (anything created by a computer on a live-action film is animation).

Real image or professional motion graphics – Which one should you choose?

When making an audiovisual production, we always have the option of choosing between making real-image and professional motion graphics. The decision between one and the other format can be determined simply by a matter of taste, although there are some reasons that may lead you to choose one over another.

Benefits of using professional motion design:

1.    It's not as expensive as it seems - Although the popular belief is that animation is more expensive than a film that is not entirely true. What is true is that in animation production costs cannot be cut much, something that can be done in the video, a large-scale shoot, and all that it entails, is usually more expensive than an animated video of the same duration. In the first place, you do not have to pay actors, travel, diets, etc. Second, video recording requires much more expensive equipment than is needed to create an animation.

2.    No creative limitations - Does the protagonist of your video have to go from the Moon to Paris in a second? No problem. Limitations have no place in animation. If you can imagine it you can create it. If you are thinking of creating a professional motion design for your company and you cannot think of how to explain it with images that you can record with a camera, perhaps what you need is animation.

3.    They are less expired in time - In general, animation ages better than physical images. The imaginary environments in which they are created do not have a reflection in which the viewer can search for a relationship. So to speak, the animations live in a decontextualized reality in which time does not happen in the same way.

4.    It is cheaper to make changes later - A year ago we made a great advertisement for our product and now we have decided to change the packaging.A live-action ad would require reshooting much of the footage if not all of it. An animated video, in most cases, would only require changing the object in question and adjusting it. The cost of changes to the professional motion graphics is much less in most cases.

5.    Can explain complex things more easily - How to record a spot about that futuristic product that you have not yet developed? Many times, most of the time, capturing in images what goes through our brain is not an easy task. If too that we must add that we have to look for its correspondence in real life... sometimes, simply, it is not possible. professional motion design, like infographics, allows us to explain complex topics in less time. For example, we could explain how sunscreen works in a video with actors, but we could possibly get the same or better explanation with animation with less time and budget.

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